• Easiest Method: Contact me to discuss options and request a Payment Link. PLs are very simple. You control the process. They work with Union Pay, Wechat Pay, Alipay and Paypal ff OR you can use a PayPal FF with this special link: (PayPal.Me/TeacherGaryGB) .

    Book Your own Child Classes 书籍类

    • can be one-to-one or in a pair of students (children only )
    1-1 class costs; for 20 classes = GBP£475• 15 classes = GBP£350• 10 classes = GBP£235• 5 classes = GBP£140

    (2-1 classes are in total = £700/£525/£355/£194)
    (WeChat pay? Recommended to use ipad then phone to scan 2-D QR code)
    1. After select 'Option', click 'Buy Now' 2. In 'YOUR CART' click 'Checkout' 3. On CONTACT INFO add your data, click 'Continue' → 'PAYMENT METHOD' 4. Choose; hit 'PURCHASE'→ Redirection to your payment option
    • 可以是一对一或一对学生(仅限儿童)

    1-1 20 节课费用 = 475 英镑• 15 节课 = 350 英镑• 10 节课 = 235 英镑• 5 节课 = 140 英镑

    (2-1班总计 = £700/£525/£355/£194)


    1. 选择“选项”后,点击“立即购买” 2. 在“您的购物车”中点击“结账” 3. 在“联系信息”中添加您的数据,点击“继续”→“付款方式” 4. 选择;点击“购买”→ 重定向至您的付款选项

    • 可以是一对一或一对学生。

    • 量身定制,以满足个人/配对的商定要求(一旦启动,不可协商)。

    • 时长:45 分钟


    我可以教 RH G1A、G1B、G2A、G2B...或 ORT G1A、G1B、G2A、G2B。

    Book your own Adult Classes

    Same booking method - different price structure with 3, 10 or 20 class packages available comprising totally individual learning programmes.


    Easiest Method: Contact me to discuss options and request a Payment Link. These work with Union Pay, Wechat Pay and Alipay PayPal.Me/TeacherGaryGB .

    English tuition (ESOL) from

    English tuition (ESOL) from

    £16.00 - £950.00
    E.G. Cost of classes: 1-1 for 5/10/15 = £149/249/379 • 1-2 =£189/349/539
    (Recommend use WeChat pay on ipad steps 1-5, then phone to scan 2-D code)
    1. Select 'Option', then 'Buy Now'
    2. In 'YOUR CART' click 'Checkout'
    3. On CONTACT INFO add your data, click 'Continue' → 'PAYMENT METHOD'
    4. Choose; hit 'PURCHASE'→ Redirected to your payment option
    例如。课程费用:5/10/15 的 1-1 = £149/249/379 • 1-2 = £189/349/539
    1. 选择“选项”,然后选择“立即购买”
    2. 在“您的购物车”中点击“结帐”
    3. 在 CONTACT INFO 添加您的数据,点击 'Continue' → 'PAYMENT METHOD'
    支付成功使用平板电脑和手机一起。与平板电脑连接。完成步骤 1-5。出现二维码后,用手机扫描支付。有用。
    Coming soon